Over the course of the past 10 years, Circadian has magnetized a network of formidable allies committed to building engaged, resilient communities and presenting powerful voices in the fields of regenerative practices, anti-supremacy and organizational transformation.
As a creative pollinator, Circadian launched the Life Rhythms series at the outset of the Covid pandemic to solidify community during an uncertain time. The series aims to explore new perspectives in ecology, creativity, and consciousness, giving a platform to those seekers who are envisioning a new world and our evolving place in it.
A fascinating dive into indigenous cosmologies and Afrofuturist thought and art which encourages radical visions of a more just world, including what changes today can lead us there. Featuring Ahmed Best and Lonny Avi Brooks.
We’re currently experiencing a collective initiation of the heart — an invitation to magnetize community and allies in conceptualizing and stewarding a culture of fairness, compassion, and healing in our country and for peoples around the world. “We need to create new narratives that are centered on compassion,” Benjamin said during our dynamic discussion.
“Messages of connection, unity, and compassion will allow us to rebuild from the ashes.”
Jeff Leifer interviews ICEERS Executive Director Benjamin De Loenen, Deputy Director Òscar Parés and ADF Coordinator Natalia Rebollo on: - What the US Decriminalization movement can learn from Catalonia's long history of decrim drug policy and grassroots efforts. - What Indigenous ancestral knowledge has todo with a revolution in mental health - How COVID19 is disrupting globalized plant medicine practices
The Ketamine Research Foundation was asked to provide content for an online educational festival highlighting advancements in the psychedelic medicine space. The Foundation asked board member
Jeff Leifer to speak with cross-cultural wisdom guide Patricia James about how innovative notions of ‘Integration’ are comprised of both analytic, mental processes as well as experiential, relational and ritualist practices to support psycho-spiritual growth.
Join us for a conversation about anti-supremacy with Sophia E. Aguiñaga. Together with author Zara Zimbardo, we’ll investigate the interior human conditions with which enable supremacy to arise in human beings and explore how leaders and organizations can use that theory to effect change.
Orland Bishop, an activist and a mystic devoted to the creation of vital agreements regarding human potential, social community, and emerging economies. Orland addressed the theme of coherence within the context of raising our collective consciousness.
‘The higher purpose of attentiveness is to refine knowledge into truth. When I give attention, my intention becomes clear.’