Circadian Lab

Circadian Lab is a values-driven strategic consultancy and experience lab that builds scalable, transformational projects across the digital and social landscape. Jeff launched Circadian Labs to magnetize a network of formidable allies committed to building engaged, resilient communities and presenting powerful voices in the fields of regenerative practices, anti-supremacy, collaborative knowledge creation, and organizational transformation. Circadian embraces whole planet thinking that centers on integrated practices and contextual innovation, and has worked with social change organizations, philanthropists, and foundations on projects that range from ocean regeneration to psychedelic medicine and impact investing. Throughout, Circadian has been committed to supporting Indigenous peoples and knowledges; as well as non-Indigenous knowledge and leadership practices that enact meaningful and long-lasting personal, cultural, societal, and economic change.

Select Circadian projects are featured below.

The Psychedelic Listening Project

The Psychedelic Listening Project, conceived and produced by Circadian, arose from an urgent need to ensure the burgeoning psychedelic ecosystem develops in a way that avoids the pitfalls and harms of the mainstream medical system — corporate consolidation, unequal access to treatment, and a limited view of what medicine and care should look like. Made possible by the bold support of Justin Rosenstein, the report brings together insights from extensive interviews with 26 experts, practitioners, scholars, and Indigenous leaders. It surfaces a series of vital issues and areas of innovation at both the grass-roots and the commercial level.

ICEERS Workshop (Int’l Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research and Service)

Circadian works closely with the Center on rapidly changing issues involving Indigenous Communities in the Global South focused on research, education, community building and human rights. We were invited to the Center’s recent International Conference in Spain to lead a day-long program on Integration and Systems Change for emergent communities; it was very well received. Recently, Circadian brought together two partners-the Ketamine Research Foundation and ICEERS-to launch a European based training program on new approaches to trauma and healing. Circadian is designing the module on integration and consciousness.

DeYoung Museum

Social Dreaming Project, DeYoung Museum: In service to developing greater capacities of resonance and somatic guidance, as well as the ability to hold paradox and uncertainty in deeper processes. Circadian has facilitated a decade long social dreaming initiative which includes regular ‘projective’ dream circle gatherings and multi-stakeholder convenings.  (co-facilitated by Zara Zimbardo, Lecturer at CIIS). Circadian has taken it’s dream project initiatives to numerous international gatherings (including Bioneers, SOCAP, Burning Man and, for 30 days, to the DeYoung Museum) where multi-day immersions led to prototyping new approaches to complex societal issues. The programs engaged change makers, creatives and young leaders in community practices for personal and collective transformation.

Leadership Retreats

Our Leading With Wisdom journeys take North American leaders to the Amazonian rainforest for an immersive set of learnings and interactions. Participants learn from the collective wisdom and leadership practices of the indigenous tribes who are stewarding their land and culture through a period of intense ecological peril.
Leading With Wisdom helps participants map the complex economic, political, and environmental networks that connect us all.
Inspired by the relevance of traditional ecological knowledge, Jeff stewarded a delegation of impact investors and leading executives in an immersive journey to the Ecuadorian amazon. Participants were moved to action by the long term utility of restorative design, ethnographic mapping and regenerative systems.